Crankshaft Position Sensor

With both my daughters in town we decided to go into Denver for dinner and a show. The show ended at about 11:00 and a Nuggets game must have ended at about the same time as the freeway was packed. While in the fast lane, the engine stumbles and loses power and of course there is no shoulder to get off on. So, I gingerly cross two lanes and take the next exit. As the disco takes the exit, the engine has low power, while both the green M and S dash indicators flash at me. We get to the exit stop light and the truck dies and will not start again. This is a pretty sketchy part of town at midnight, so I am not too happy at this point. We call AAA and they say a tow will arrive in about 45 minutes. The tow truck arrives and tows the disco to Sam’s shop while I get my tired and stressed out family home by Uber.

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Starting, Horn and other stuff

After having the Discovery three days, we came out from a restaurant and it wouldn’t start on the first two tries. It turned over very slowly and if I kept the starter engaged it finally fired up. Felt like a dead battery. Drove home, connected the ScanGauge and saw the alternator was putting out around 13.8 amps (alternator OK). Quick look at the battery and it looked pretty old, so trip to the local parts store for a new gel type battery, install, clean up and tighten all connectors……same problem. Must be the starter right?

Continue reading “Starting, Horn and other stuff”

Why did I buy this Discovery 2?

Great question……….because it’s cool.  That’s probably not a good enough reason.  Well, here was how I got to this decision.

We decided that to take full advantage of our recent move to Denver, we needed a 4X4 SUV.  My last SUV was a 1998 Grand Cherokee Ltd that we bought new and sold in 2005.  That was a capable and no fuss vehicle, well suited to shuttling around our young family during the worst that Milwaukee winters could throw at us.

This time, I wanted something more interesting that I could work on.  So why this 2004 Discovery SE?  Here goes….

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